accountingcpd blog

  1. Just One Bad Apple

    Corruption occurs in all societies and if the perpetrators believe themselves to be unassailable or will not be found out think again. Tesco...

  2. The First Five Steps of Negotiation

    A well planned negotiation can increases your confidence and your chance of success. However, negotiation is a scary prospect for many and when...

  3. The Tricky Issue of Bribery and Corruption

    You may think that bribery and corruption only happens in large organisations but you'd be surprised. Don't assume it could never happen in...

  4. Can Our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Course Help Your Organisation?

    The stakes are high for those who get involved in bribery and corruption and their organisations. Its important to avoid being stuck on the...

  5. How Does the UK Feel About the EU Referendum?

    There are two strong sides to the in/out EU referendum that is now likely to happen in 2017. Currently it is unclear what impact opting out...

  6. What Five More Years of a Tory Government Could do for SMEs in the UK

    What five more years of a Tory government could do for SMEs in the UK. This blog is about the possible business outcomes for SMEs since David...