accountingcpd blog

  1. Professional Scepticism: A Key Skill for Every Finance Professional

    While professional scepticism is usually associated with audit work, it is increasingly being listed as a key skill for every finance professional....

  2. Current Limitations to the Scope of Virtual Account Systems if Full AML-CFT Complianc ...

    Corporates generally wish to reduce the number of bank accounts they run, and to have greater central control over the activity across them....

  3. Can Accountants Save the Planet?

    Can accountants save the planet? The answer to this question is `yes`, or at least `probably`. The ethos behind the Integrated Reporting movement,...

  4. Announcements of the Eurozone Economy's Recovery May Be Premature

    A lot has been made of the recent, more positive statistics on Eurozone growth, which might lead Cash Managers to anticipate a rise in Euro...

  5. Basel III Promises Huge Shake-Up in Cash Management Products

    The new Basel III rules promise to significantly disrupt some of the flagship services offered by banks to their corporate customers under the...

  6. No End to Low Yields But New European Banking Crisis on the Horizon

    There is no end in sight to the low-yield environment around the Euro and all currencies associated with it. This is...